Film score
Period of composition: 15 - 18 Jul 1935
Genre: Incidental music
Performing forces:

Boys vv - fl (=picc), ob, cl (B flat and A) - 2 perc (block, xyl, trgl, tamb, susp cymb, wb, cast, sd, bd) - pf

Duration: 12'


These arrangements were made in connection with Lotte Reiniger's (1899-1981) short animated silhouette film The Tocher (GPO Film Unit, 1935), but in the event only music from nos 1, 2 and 5 was used on the soundtrack which was conducted by Britten ('Tocher' means 'dowry'). In 1936 nos 1, 2, and 4 were rescored and with two new arrangements formed Soirées musicales, op. 9. In 1941 no. 3 was reworked as the opening march of Matinées musicales, op. 24.

Part of this suite was also used in the later film scores Calendar of the year (Mar 1936) and Men of the Alps (Sep-Oct 1936).