This is a beta version of the catalogue which has been made available for interested users to peruse during the catalogue's development. The catalogue is due for completion in 2013.
PLEASE NOTE: the BTC numbers are not as yet fixed in sequence and are liable to change. Please do not refer to any works on this catalogue by BTC number in any publication or presentation until the chronology is finalised.
At present, users can view resources for manuscript sources and notation/audio incipits (where it is has been possible to provide them) for catalogue records. As the catalogue develops, we will add more incipits as they are typeset and recorded and in due course more resources will be incorporated, such as recordings, library holdings, and links to photographs. Please either use the search engine or browse the extant list of works (the Advanced search is not yet functioning).
Please see About the Catalogue and FAQs for further information about the layout, content and future plans for the catalogue.
As this is a beta version it may, on occasion, experience technical difficulties during testing. If this is the case please come back later.