Trevor Anthony The voice of God, Owen Brannigan Noye, Gladys Parr Mrs Noye, Thomas Bevan Sem, Marcus Norman Ham, Michael Crawford Jaffett, Janette Miller Mrs Sem, Katherine Dyson Mrs Ham, Marilyn Baker Mrs Jaffett, Chorus of animals and orchestra from East Suffolk schools, EOG Players
Colin Graham prod, Ceri Richards costume design, Charles Mackerras cond
Additional words from the writings of Bishop Synesius (ca. 373-ca. 414)
Cast and orchestra
Principals: The Voice of God spkr, Noye bass-bar, Mrs Noye contr, Sem, Ham, Jaffett boy trbls, Mrs Sem, Mrs Ham, Jrs Jaffett girl sops, Mrs Noye's gossips girl sops
Chorus of animals and birds: children (SATB)
Professional ensemble: trble recorder - timp, pf (four hands), org - string quintet (2 vn, va, vc, db)
Amateur/children's orchestra: desc rec (2 parts), trbl recs, bugles in B flat (in four parts), 12 handbells in E flat, perc (bd, td, bd, tamb, cymb, trgl, whip, gong, Chinese blocks, wind machine, sandpaper, slung mugs), str (vn in three parts, va, vc in two parts, db)
The work includes three congregational hymns:
'Lord Jesus think on me', words by Bishop Synesius, tr A.W. Chatfield, tune ('Southwell') from Damon's psalter 1579;
'Eternal Father, strong to save', words by William Whiting, tune ('Melita') by J.B. Dykes;
'The spacious firmament on high', words by Joseph Addison, set to 'Tallis's canon'.