For violin and orchestra, op. 15
Subtitle: For violin and orchestra
Other titles: Violin concerto no I

Title given on the fair copy full score

Period of composition: Nov 1938 - 20 Sep 1939
Revised: Oct 1950; 1954; spring 1965

The violin part of the first version was edited by Antonio Brosa. The first batch of revisions was made in October 1950, and included some minor structural changes and more extensive alterations to the violin part. In 1954 further revisions to the violin part (removing much of Brosa's editing and simplifying some of the figuration) were made with the help of Manoug Parikian. In spring 1965, during editorial work on the proofs of the miniature score, the longer version of the last movement was reinstated.

First performance: 28 Mar 1940 >>
Type of performance: Concert performance
Location: Carnegie Hall, New York
Performance details:

Antonio Brosa vn, NYPO, John Barbirolli cond

Genre: Orchestral
Performing forces:

Orchestra: 3 fl (II, III=picc), 2 ob (II=ca), 2 cl in B flat, 2 bn - 4 hn, 3 tpt in C, 3 trbn, tuba - timp, 2 perc (sd, td, bd, cymb, trgl, glock - harp - str

Duration: 31'
Dedication: 'To Henry Boys'

Henry Boys (1910-?), English critic, composer and teacher. He had met Britten while a student at the Royal College of Music