Film score
Subtitle: Film score
Other titles: Swiss telephone

Title on the full score

Period of composition: Sep - Oct 1936
Genre: Incidental music
Performing forces:

Fl (=picc), cl in B flat - tpt in C--perc (trgl, tamb, susp cymb, bd) - harp - str qnt (2 vn, va, vc, db)


Comprises original music by Britten, Rossini arranged by Walter Leigh and Britten (from part of Britten's Rossini suite (Jul 1935) and a sequence of 'machine music' from The king's stamp (May 1935). In his original music Britten incorporates Swiss folksong. The film was joint production for the GPO Film Unit and Pro Telephon, Zurich, as were Line to the Tschierva hut, Message from Geneva and Four barriers. The manuscript source entitled 'Swiss telephone' is the source manuscript for this film and Line to the Tschierva hut.