For two violins, two violas and cello
Subtitle: For two violins, two violas and cello
Other titles: Phantasy in F minor

Published title (1983)

Period of composition: 20 Jan - 25 Feb 1932
Revised: 29 Aug-14 Sep 1932
First performance: 22 Jul 1932 >>
Type of performance: Concert performance
Location: Royal College of Music.
Performance details:

Gerald H. Emms, Frederick Riddle vn, Nora Wilson, Beryl Scawen Blunt va, Gladys Corlette vc; Madge Dugarde, Ralph Nicholson vn, Frederick Riddle, Nora Wilson va, Willem De Mont vc. Why two sets of performers are listed in the RCM records for the premiere is not clear.

Genre: Chamber


The work won the Cobbett Prize for chamber music at the Royal College of Music in May 1932 and was also submitted with Two psalms (Jul-Dec 1931) in support of Britten's application for the Mendelssohn Scholarship at the College. The extensive revisions to the work were undertaken in preparation for the second round of scrutiny for the Scholarship, which took place in November 1932.