Title | Eight rounds (sacred) |
Subtitle | For 12 soprano and 8 contralto voices |
OpusNo | J.Op 63 J.OpC 13b |
RefNo | BBM/eight_rounds_sacred |
Date | 3-8 Feb 1927 |
Description | Text from the tradional Latin mass. |
Extent | 1 item |
Title | Holographs |
RefNo | BBM/eight_rounds_sacred/1 |
Date | 5 Feb 1927 |
Extent | 1 item |
Title | Fair copy |
RefNo | BBM/eight_rounds_sacred/1/1 |
Date | 5 Feb 1927 |
Description | 1. Agnus Dei [for eight voices], 2. Alleluia Amen [for eight voices], 3. Kyrie Eleison Amen [for eight contralto voices], 4. Gloria in Excelsis Deo [for eight soprano voices], 5. Et in Terra pax [for eight voices], 6. Hominibus Bonae Voluntatis [for six voices], 7. Christe Eleison [for six contralto voices], 8. Amen [for twelve soprano voices]. |
Extent | 1 manuscript; 5 pages [1r-5v] |
PhysicalDescription | Black ink; 22.6 x 30 cm. See Title Page of Collected Volume. |
TitlePageOfCollectedVolume | '8 ROUNDS (SACRED), OP.63, E.B.BRITTEN'. |
This is a draft record and therefore reference codes and other details are subject to change. See further details about the project here.