For voice and piano
Subtitle: For voice and piano
Other titles: Epitaph: the clerk

Published title

Composition date: 1926
Revised: Summer 1968
First performance: 4 Dec 1986 >>
Type of performance: Radio broadcast
Location: BBC Radio 3 (pre-recorded on 18 Nov 1986).
Performance details:

Neil Mackie ten, John Blakely pf

Genre: Solo vocal
Text: Herbert Asquith (1881-1947)

From The volunteer.

Duration: 1'


When he came to revise this song in 1968 Britten thought the text had been by Walter de la Mare and the song was to have been included in Tit for tat (Faber Music, 1969). The revised version was later published in the collection Beware! Three early songs (Faber Music, 1985).