William Primrose va, Benjamin Britten pf
William Primrose (1903-1982), Scottish violist. He edited the viola part of Lachrymae.
Incorporates references to two songs by John Dowland (both were probably composed originally as lute solos), the first forming the basis of the variations and the second quoted in the section marked 'Appassionato':
'If my complaints could passions move', published as no. 4 in The first booke of songes or ayres (1597) and as 'Captaine Digorie Piper his galliard' in Lachrimæ (1604);
'Flow my tears' (second strain), published as no. 2 in The second booke of songes or ayres (1600) and as Lachrimæ antiquae' in Lachrimæ'' (1604).